Tis the season…

So who wants some fabric???


Now that I have all my patterns printed and back from the printer, and drafts of the fall 2012 collections done, and a bunch of new quilts underway, and a million other things done, half-done, and just started, I think it is time to give away some fabric.

(That was supposed to come out more along the lines of “now that I have a moment to rest a bit,” but halfway through the sentence I realized that rest is a far off fantasy.)

Before too long I’ll be putting some Pear Tree bundles up in the online shop to go along with the patterns, but before I do that I want to give away two complete fat quarter bundles away. This giveaway, though, is going to have a catch.

No, I’m not going to make you like me, or follow me, or fan me, or anything of that ilk. This giveaway is all about giving, so the winners are going to have to commit to use at least some of the bundle to make a quilt to send to Bumble Beans Basics. It doesn’t have to be a giant quilt, a toddler or throw is fine, but half the point of this giveaway is to get more quilts to people who really need them. I plan to do this with every collection I release. Forever.

Heck, you can even just make a quilt like this one:


It just takes 3 5.5″ squares of each print of the 21 Pear Tree prints and 1 2/3 yards of off-white (Kona Snow works nicely, at least until the new Andover Solids come out). It would only take 25% of your Pear Tree FQs leaving you plenty to make all kinds of fabulousness. Of course, you can make whatever you want, design something special or use your favorite pattern. Go ahead and mix some Pear Tree in with scraps from your stash to keep more of the Pear Tree for yourself. It doesn’t matter what you make; the only thing is that the winner has to make a quilt using at least some Pear Tree and send it to Bumble Beans Basics.

I know most people don’t like a lot of strings attached to giveaways, but I’m not looking to really generate hits or visits or followers here. What I want is two more quilts to me made and sent off to a person or family who could use something special in their life right now, to have two more quilts become a part of two people’s or families’ lives, to help just that tiny bit.

So, if you are willing to share your time to make a quilt for a stranger in need, this is the fabric giveaway for you. All you have to do is comment on this post (making sure there is a way for me to contact you if you win), and honestly commit to make a quilt to send off to Bumble Beans Basics.

Entries will close at noon NY time on Friday, December 16th. I’m willing to ship internationally, but international entrants should keep in mind that they will have to ship a quilt to NYC. I know there are lots of organizations out there like this, but for this you do have to send a quilt specifically to Bumble Beans Basics, but of course I encourage everyone to donate quilts as often as they can. (I’m still hoping to get another one done before the end of the year to send to Bumble Beans Basics as well.)

So, there you have it. Easy-peasy. Just comment on this post, and good luck…

Edit: Just to clarify, the quilts don’t have to be done by Xmas or anything. Just at some time in the next six months.


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