Lookie, Lookie…

thomas-knauer-sews-pear-tree-boxToday I came home to a box. I was expecting this box; I have been anticipating this box. This is THE box. Inside this innocuous little box on my front porch is the first look I’m ever going to have at Pear Tree. This box, this very one.

When I got home this morning it was staring it me, well aware that I had been waiting for it. It dared me to open it right up, but I didn’t. It had been teasing me for days, so I thought it only fair to make it wait as well. I sat it down on the couch and went off to make lunch. Halfway through making lunch I peeked around the corner to make sure it didn’t run away…

Yep, I even ate lunch with that box sitting just a few feet away; I was giving it the cold shoulder. I didn’t want to seem to easy, but once that last bite of lunch was swallowed up the reserve disappeared and I tore it open to find this…


I love it!!! I can’t wait to start playing with it. Of course this is only a yard of each print; I’m gonna have to wait until next week to get my sample yardage, but that doesn’t mean I can’t get a bit of a head start right away (assuming Bee gives me any time to sew before next week). It’s already in the washer; I wanna see what it is like after a good wash and dry.

Unfortunately, I didn’t open the box to find that Pear Tree had brought about world peace, which is what I saw happening when I rehearsed that moment in my head. (I should have known fabric wouldn’t be able to negotiate a universal truce.) I may need a couple of days to reconcile myself to reality…


PS: Look what the fabulous Nicole made to celebrate the occasion! #GiantHugs

Can I Haz Pear Tree

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